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Practically Pink

Pink is the perfectly practical way to be.

Monday, December 31, 2007

Magical Holiday Home

We have spent a great deal of time over the last several months readying our homes and selves for Thanksgiving, Christmas & New Year and now it's all drawing to a close.

Because of the way I schedule my time and the use I get out of my Holiday Notebook I had myself a wonderful Christmas. Habit is the best friend to an organizational junkie like me.

Anyway, I wanted to give a grand "HELLO" to all the people who are visiting me from Magical Holiday Home.

I was unaware that things seem to be shutting down at Organized Christmas and Holiday Grand Plan. It seems folks are making their way to and so I will set up my pink lawnchair over there for awhile to check things out.

I need to do some reading up on it but there is a program called JumpStart January that I will join (if it's what I think it is, I was planning on doing it all along, just on my own).

Join me in my adventures won't you?

I don't do resolutions but I've got some goals to reach for this year which I'll share in another post. So cop a squat on my pink sofa over here and lets have some pink hot chocolate and chat awhile.

Talk atcha soon!


Friday, December 28, 2007

Wrapping Up 2007

I hope that you had a wonderful Christmas this year. 2007 has not been without some trials but I've got to say it's been pretty nice! I had a major change in my life just last January and it has made my year the best I've experienced healthwise since I was a teenager!

In January 2008 my husband and I will be going through an 8 week course for the foster care system in hopes of finding another child to adopt.
The "baby" will most likely be starting preschool. Originally I was not sure I wanted to do it, but since he has no siblings and no friends his age in our neighborhood I think it's a good thing for him to go. He craves some friends and more learning than what I think I am providing. He's so smart and he has been begging me to go to school. So, my 3 year old is now a man!

Here are some helpful tips from for your New Year.

I decided to do major spring cleaning this year (normally I follow a monthly cleaning schedule and then do major cleaning in the fall). I feel like we never really settled in when we moved two years ago and I still have things in the garage that haven't been unpacked. It's time to claim this home for ourselves instead of letting our clutter claim it for us. We are planning to have a garage sale early summer and I want a lot of things to go. I need my garage for several things other than a holding place for C-R-A-P!
I'll be following the same schedule as the Holiday Grand Plan to accomplish this.

I took a quick peek at today and found out that there have been a few changes around there and one change is that for 2007 there was a new cleaning plan called Holiday + Houseworks. I think I'll read up on that and decide if I want to follow that plan for fall 2008 or stick with the HGP.

But for now I just need to do the clean up from Christmas and that will take me several days as I have hurt my back again and I'm not moving too quickly these days!

Happy New Year everyone, may 2008 be full of promise and hope!

P.S. In a couple of days I will announce a huge sale in my craft store. It's time to make room for my "2008 line" which I will be getting started on as soon as I can!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Last Week of Sale!

There is just one week left on the sale at my craft shop, so stop on over!

Pinkology Hand Knits and Tartans

Don't forget, if you don't see exactly what you want in my craft store, just let me know, I can do custom knit orders. Right now in my craft store I'm running a special sale:
Order two or more items and receive $5.00 off your order!
From now until Christmas when you order one of my hats or scarves you will receive a FREE matching change purse. The winds of change are headed your way so be ready!

Merry Christmas from Posybeary (the official Teddy Bear of Pinkology!)


Friday, December 14, 2007

Frugal Friday: Cold Remedies

Hello all, I'M SICK! And so today I'm going to share with you what I do to help out with the sickies. Although when you are in the middle of the height of the worst of it, it seems nothing will help, that's when I try to sleep. But when I'm awake here is what I've been doing...

1. Steam shower: I get the shower hotter than I can stand it and let the steam take over the bathroom for a minute, then I reduce the heat and hop in - lingering and breathing.

2. Wasabi: Spices tend to unclog the nose (even for a short while). I have Wasabi Almonds that I eat. You can add some spices to your food and it should help.

3. Gargle: My throat is on fire! Gargling with salt water can help as well as some tea with honey. Honey can also be given to your child (tsp only) about 45 mins before bedtime and it will help calm their cough and allow them to sleep a little better through the night (my son is sick too). It can cause them to get a little rambunctious shortly after taking it (as I can attest to), but it will coat their throat and help them get through the night.

4. Mints: I really really don't like cough drops. They are just foul! So how about a peppermint instead?

5. Liquids: Don't forget that when your body is sick you need to keep it hydrated, drink plenty of water (my husband prefers Gingerale when he's sick), tea, soup, eat jello and fruit popsicles

Don't forget to get plenty of rest, your body is working hard to fight off the infection. And as for me...well I'm going to be on the couch all morning resting.

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Sunday, December 09, 2007

Sale Sale Sale!

I just wanted to let you know that I have several items on sale right now, not only in my craft store but also on Ebay.

So if you need some Christmas ideas, won't you take a look at some of my items?

Pinkology Hand Knits and Tartans
Pinkology on Ebay

Don't forget, if you don't see exactly what you want in my craft store, just let me know, I can do custom knit orders. Right now in my craft store I'm running a special sale:
Order two or more items and receive $5.00 off your order!

From now until Christmas when you order one of my hats or scarves you will receive a FREE matching change purse. The winds of change are headed your way so be ready!

Thanks so much and I hope you are enjoying a jolly season of cheer, family and friends!

Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah from Posybeary (the official Teddy Bear of Pinkology!)

Holiday Grand Plan Week 16

Maintenance Week

Friends, if you've been following the plan (even half-heartedly) then you are well on your way and enjoying this holiday season just as I am. Things are a breeze now! I'm finishing up a special Christmas present that the folks in my family get every year - a calendar of special pictures of my son!

I hope you enjoyed it, we've put in so much work - now is the time to relax!

This morning my son and I made sugar cookies (even though we are both sick).
I hope you like the picture of us having just rolled out of bed and still in our jammies!

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Frugal Friday: Baby It's Cold Outside!

Last year I discovered that my house has way too many windows and in the winter that translates to a lot of lost heat and cold rooms (you should just go stand in the Florida room for a minute Brrrr).

I have the heat set at 70 right now but I'd like to try and lower that (I already received one gas bill that was way too high). I should have done this earlier but I figure better late than never.

So tomorrow evening I'll go to the hardware store and get some plastic to put up over the windows. I'm going to have to figure out how much plastic I'll need to cover all of them.
Here's a video from DIY to show you how to do it.

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Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Holiday Grand Plan Week 15

Finish Up Week

Well the holidays are a busy time aren't they? So busy for me that I can't get a blog up on time!

The presents are wrapped (besides one special project that I'm working on) and delivered, the Christmas cards have gone out and I just have a couple odds and ends to finish up this week.

The rest is just daily/weekly maintenance!

Today it began snowing, the first snow of the season. It's not really laying, just sort of making everything wet but it's nice to see!

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