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Practically Pink

Pink is the perfectly practical way to be.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Why The Anger & Hatred?

I've been sitting here for several minutes, not sure where to start, unsure of what words to choose. I am greatly saddened by what I've witnessed today.

Well over a decade ago I attended a conference in which a speaker discussed theories on creationism. He offered up possibilities on why science and creationism go hand in hand. He was intelligent, well spoken, humble yet firm in his beliefs and I agreed with much he had to say.
Even though I was a teenager at that time I was already firmly planted in my religious beliefs and there was no doubt in my mind that my world was created by GOD.

I had been taught in school however that I arrived here through evolutionary means. As a small child being exposed to this way of thinking - I just couldn't imagine it to be true, it was as if I knew, even then.

During that conference I was eager to hear what this speaker had to say and it made so much sense to me. Convicted to tell everyone I could with this information in hand I wrote a note to this speaker. I handed it to one of my chaperone's and she had the courage to give it to the speaker. How she ever got his attention and time I will never know. Well I must tell you, I was honored when the speaker read my note to the entire audience just after an intermission. In the note I promised that I would take this information to my public high school and make a firm stand for the belief that God created the world in six literal days. It wouldn't be easy but I would do my own research and formulate a speech to be given in my speech class. I kept my word and did just that. As I gave that speech in front of my peers I made sure to pay attention to the reaction I would get. Most of my classmates tuned me out from the simple boredom that comes along with being imprisoned in a brick building for 8 hours a day. There was one student who seemed to be interested in what I had to say and one student who just shook her head at me.

Come on back to the future with me now and I will explain what all this is about.
The speaker at that conference was Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis.

When I found out last year that he planned to open a museum dedicated to the creation account I was certainly excited to find out how it would come to be. Yesterday the museum opened to the public and I for one will be happy to take my family there for a visit.

Today I turned on my TV to find a group of people angered and protesting the opening.
I cannot for the life of me understand why people would PROTEST the opening of this museum. I mean people were out picketing this place. WHY? If you don't like it, just don't go and ignore it. Is it really that big of a deal that you have to go out with picket signs? That's unfathomable to me. Is the mere existance of this place hurting anyone?

The best that I can understand is that a lot of people are upset about this place and the use of the word "museum". What? You are upset about a word that means:
"a place where objects are exhibited". What else would you have it called?
Well I just can't understand the tiff over that one, if anyone would care to explain it I will gladly listen and take the information you provide into consideration.

I also watched a video about it in which a woman was was just plain rude, had nothing factual to say and she couldn't back up her argument because it was non-existant. She was just angry that someone had a different viewpoint from her NON-viewpoint. She wrote a book called "Nothing" because that's exactly what she believes. If she doesn't believe in anything, why is she so upset if others do believe in something?
She also was misinformed about something that's in the Bible. She could only act a fool when it was trying to be explained to her that dinosaurs are mentioned in the Bible (and in more than one place with great description).

I am not trying to be demeaning to this woman, she is entitled to her own thoughts but it just seemed to me that she clearly didn't have a viewpoint. She had no bite behind her bark and I just couldn't make sense of it. Perhaps if she did have some bite I would sit up and take notice, then research and test it to come to a conclusion the way I do with everything else. Perhaps I should take a gander at her book to see what thoughts she presents there. That being said, I will always believe, it's written on my heart and is something that can't be erased.
I do believe that TRUTH is more than "to each his own" but I will not condemn someone for not believing, that's not my job. You can make up your own mind, believe or don't. I guess I just don't understand why some folks are so up in arms about it and so filled with what appears to be hatred.

Here is a link to that video of Ken Ham and the "Nothing" lady (I'm sorry I don't remember her name) on the opening of the Creation Museum

And here is the link to the Creation Museum if you'd like to know more:

I'll leave you with one question. Where you there?

Job 11:7-9

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Update On Insurance Issue

Thank you to those who have prayed, offered encouragement and advice.

Our total medical bills have come to over $50,000!
Some medical offices are allowing us to use payment plans, the hospital has cut my bill in half and I am now filling out a charity application to see if they will reduce even more of the cost. I have continued to have even more problems with my insurance (they are claiming I was not covered under my husband's policy at my most recent dr. appt. - WHAT?)

Currently we are looking at about the $15-$20,ooo range.
Even though that's still a little out of our reach the Lord has been so kind to us. We've been able to pick up website maintenance contracts with two of our website clients and we have one more big client that came to us over a year ago who is just now ready to have us develop his company site.
I have started a direct mail marketing campain in my zip code and I prayed over all the people I will be contacting - I prayed that my efforts would be fruitful. It will be interesting to see if I get any new clients that way.

I am also going to try and mass produce the knit hats that I love to make and try to peddle them to some stores in the area for the fall/winter season.

I may have a part time work at home job opportunity by this fall as well. If I can just keep my feelers out there maybe I can have this paid off within 2 years and get this burden off of our shoulders.

I'm going to post a few ebay auctions tomorrow evening, you can check here to see when they're up, all funds received will go to paying off this medical bill.

Thanks again!