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Practically Pink

Pink is the perfectly practical way to be.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Frugal Preparedness: Water

I am the type of gal that likes to prepare for emergencies and the most important thing I can have in my emergency arsenal is water.
Now I do buy bottled water when I can get an excellent deal as it's handy to keep in the car or in a survival bag.
But for long term heavy duty storage I like to use large juice containers (and they have a handy handle for easy transport).

You must properly clean the juice jug and then disinfect the water.

Let's go!

Here are the tools I'm starting out with. A just emptied juice jug, dish soap, bleach and an eyedropper

Fill the juice jug 2/3 of the way full with water and then add a tad of dish soap

Now shake shake shake! Let the bottle sit a couple of minutes and then shake some more. I do the shake shake shake dance a total of 3 times

Let's not waste all that water. I poor the water (and soap!) on my plants outside. The soap will not harm anything.
By the way - when watering your outdoor plants in the summertime, make sure you water either in the morning or evening as if you water in the afternoon it will evaporate to quickly.

Be sure to thoroughly rinse your container, let the water run until all the soap is out. Just to be on the safe side I dump the water out again and then fill it back up.

Now it's time to disinfect and prepare it for proper long term storage. This is a gallon jug so with your eyedropper (be careful with your clothes, you may want to use gloves) add 4 drops of bleach.

As you can see it's simple and quick to reuse a good sturdy container and add to your emergency preparedness.
Waste Not Want Not and Always Be Prepared!


  • At 9:41 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    You can use the soapwater to rinse clothes.

    Here we use vinegar to desinfect.


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