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Practically Pink

Pink is the perfectly practical way to be.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Holiday Grand Plan Week 5

Master Bathroom

Did you finish up all you wanted to in the Master Bedroom? I certainly didn't. But that's okay - I at least got started and that's more than I can say for the rest of the year! My schedule has just gotten unbelievable and I've had to majorly scale back this year (this on top of my son and I getting very sick).
But that is ALRIGHT! There's another chance to get this house ship shape with the Spring Cleaning Grand Plan.

So if you are not finished in that bedroom, clean up whatever mess you drug out from your closets or underneath your bed and then walk away and move on to your bathroom.

You'll also want to work on your linen closets AND do a wardrobe checklist for your children. This will give you a head start for next week because we'll then be working in the children's rooms (and since I'll be on the road again next week I need all the help I can get). My family is already asking me what my son needs in the way of clothing and I can't tell them anything yet because I've not gone through his clothes or tried anything on him from last fall.

Keep working 1 hr a day on homemade gifts, try to buy some gifts off your list.

On the horizon: Holiday Stamps will be coming out in early October with a theme very near and dear to my heart.
Also, have you thought about having a baking day or weekend? I'm not sure if I'm going to do any baking at all this year due to my very restricted diet. But when I was baking I picked the first weekend in November and made several batches of cookie dough to roll and freeze along with my Pumpkin Butter.


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