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Practically Pink

Pink is the perfectly practical way to be.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Holiday Grand Plan Week 6

Kids Room

Ah, the children's room. Up until last year I denoted this week as make-up week. I did not have any children and so I would focus on another room or finish up things in other areas I couldn't get to in weeks past.

But not this year. I have my work cut out for me but the good news is I've been keeping up pretty well in this area. Since we moved I've been slowly putting away clothes that no longer fit my son and storing them in plastic tubs that I get for cheap at Walmart. I pick the clothes that are in the best shape and store them in our walk up attic for future children or donation. I've also begun going through toys and some of them will meet the same end by the time I'm finished this week. For some of you this is going to be a big week, you may have toys everywhere and when you go through the back of the closet you'll be amazed at what you'll find. Let's clear out the old to make way for the new that will arrive at Christmas.

This week in addition to the deep cleaning and organizing I'll be going over his clothes, toys and I'll also make a list of the new clothes he'll need for the fall and winter. I don't think he'll need much thanks to RaRa who buys him practically everything he needs.

If you take your children trick or treating or to a harvest party, have you thought about their costumes yet?


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